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Teaching in Action

Lesson Plans

Jews and Statues

Tuesdays with Torah

Wise Temple,

Cincinnati, OH

Wise Temple has a weekly adult learning series called "Tuesdays with Torah." In August 2023, I taught two classes on how Judaism approaches statues, idols, and art. This group regularly learns together. We explored if objects have intrinsic, or ascribed holiness to them and how that impacts how we interact with material objects.

Welcome to America

6th Grade Kehillah

Wise Temple,

Cincinnati, OH

Wise Temple is rolling out a new supplemental learning program, called Kehillah, with a two-year spiral curriculum. As the rabbinic intern, I developed a year's worth of lesson plans for the 5/6th grade. This lesson plan comes from the first trimester, which explores Jewish history and identity.

Torah Study: R'eih 5783

Shabbat Morning Worship

Wise Temple,

Cincinnati, OH

Every Shabbat morning, Wise Temple has a minyan that includes prayer, Torah reading, and a brief 30-minute Torah study in the middle of the service. 15-20 people attend in person and 5-8 join us online weekly.

Torah Study: Vayera 5783

Shabbat Morning Study

Temple Shalom 

Cincinnati, OH

In lieu of Shabbat morning worship, Temple Shalom has a two-hour Torah Study in the morning once a month, attended by 10-15 people, a mix of Jews, conversion students, and occasionally non-Jews.

Adult Ed: Closing the Gates

Evening Adult Education

Temple Shalom 

Cincinnati, OH

One Saturday evening a month, Temple Shalom hosts Havdalah and adult learning in the home of one of their members. These sessions, attended by 10-15 members, cover a variety of topics. This session, taking place during Elul in 2022, invited participants to begin reflecting on the approach High Holy Days.

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